
Hello people, I just thought I'd give you a quick update on what is happening in the wonderful life of me - as you may or may not be aware, it is my 22nd birthday today!!! As much as I'd like to be celebrating it with you wonderful people in the cultural Mecca that is Norwich or the sophisticated surroundings of Cleckheaton, being in this little old place called Sydney just about makes up for it.
Anyway now that the formalities are over, I am about to break some shocking news - I've got a job! Well I say I've got a job, that should be more like I had a job - I quit after 4 days, which to be fair is an improvement on my record of quitting after 2 hours in my last job. The job involved me getting a train out to the Sydney suburbs, and then walking around non-stop for 8 hours trying to sell people electricity. It wouldn't have been so bad except that it was 100% commission based and therefore I was earning the sum total of fuck all. Although it was technically my own business which kinda ruled!
Not to worry though, I've got an interview for another job on Monday which involves working in a call centre. It sounds pretty good I'll be getting paid about $18 an hour plus commission which ain't too shabby. The place sounds pretty cool - they give you free breakfast, they have a pool table and you can wear whatever you want so long as it isn't sandal's and because I'm not a twat I wouldn't be wearing them anyway. I've got to get a job against my will so I can pay for the city centre apartment I've moved into, which, incidentally has it's own swimming pool, gym and sauna. How fucking cool is that!!!!
Other than that I ain't done too much since you last heard from me, I went to Bondi which is absolutely amazing, yes that's right it's even better than Skegness. I've also been to King's Cross (on your advice Joe) If you don't know what King's Cross is, think pimps, whores and sex clubs and you're just about there. It's an interesting place to say the least.
Just one quick thing before I leave you - Tom can you get me jimmys e mail address because I am a useless cunt and have lost it.
Anyway, I've run out of things to say so I'm gonna stop typing and let you get back to your lives.
Speak to you later,
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