A Christmas Message From The Land Down Under

Merry Christmas everyone, I write to you today as I have the afternoon off work (yes, that's WORK!!!) on another sunny Sydney Friday afternoon in late December. A few things have happened to me since I last wrote to you all.
First of all, I managed to end up in hospital last week! After inadvertently (i really shouldn't try to use complicated words when I don't know how to spell them) eating a cashew nut, not good when you've got a nut allergy, I was taken to hospital and put on a ventilator, adrenaline and a heart monitor for about 4 hours. All quite dramatic stuff really, however, when I got released i went straight to Domino's, perfect recovery food, and then back to my flat for cheap wine before going off to the pub. All that mixed with extra adrenaline in my body meant my heart rate was over 100 (i think it's meant to be around 60!!) Anyway, I'm still alive, which is nice.
On the work front, i actually managed to get a job and stick with it to the end of the contract and, no, that isn't a pig you see flying past your window! I was basically doing tele-marketing for American Express, really easy work, although I did managed to get sent home early one day for being a bit shit! It was my last day today, I'm meant to be there as I write this actually, but, I just couldn't be arsed.
Also since we last spoke I've taken up surfing, I'm not particularly good yet, although I've only been 4/5 times but it really is cool. It's a hell of lot harder than it looks on TV and I've had some pretty major 'wipe outs' (see, i even know the lingo now) although I'm really enjoying it, I've even bought my own wetsuit!
Amongst other things I've been doing I went to watch New Found Glory last night which was pretty good, not the best band ever, but still entertaining all the same. I've got tickets to go watch The Thrills on January the 6th which should be cool, plus The Killers are playing in Sydney tomorrow I haven't got a ticket yet but I'm tempted to buy one off the black market for a lot of money, but I'll let you know how that one goes.
However, despite all that I've had to save the best news until last. I've been keeping all news Neighbours related from you as I didn't want to ruin your enjoyment - there's some pretty weird and funny stuff coming - but i just couldn't keep this to my self. Stefan Dennis AKA Paul Robinson AKA one of the most classic Neighbours characters ever is BACK!!!! He burnt the whole of the Lassiders complex down as well. Absolute genius.
Anyway guys and girls, on that note i will sign off, if you don't hear from me before, have a merry Christmas and a happy new year, i will be spending mine on Bondi beach and at the harbour bridge respectively, but whatever you're doing - eat, drink and be merry!
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