I Come From A Land Down Under

I want to fly and run 'till it hurts, sleep for a while and speak no words in Australia

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Has Anyone Got A Spare £1000 so I can Go Back To Aus?

Well dudes and dudesses, I'm back in the 'land of hope and glory' and it fucking sucks. After a smooth transition from Sydney to Tokyo and Tokyo to London, my first experience of the Motherland is to find out that my flight from London to Manchester has been delayed. I'm currently paying 10p a minute for the privilege of using a computer that doesn't work properly in Heathrow Airport. It really is great to be home.

Completely uneventful flight right through to London. Although I did, somewhere over Siberia, think of a great reworking of Living On A Prayer, it went something like this: 'Oh I'm half way there, oh oh I'm flying Japan Air'.

I'll get my coat.

Goodbye and stay in touch,


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