I Come From A Land Down Under

I want to fly and run 'till it hurts, sleep for a while and speak no words in Australia

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sand, Sand, Goon, Sand, Dingo's and More Sand

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, here's just another one of those 'my life's so great' e-mails that you tend to get from me every now and again.

As you may have guessed from the heading of this email I've just got back from Fraser Island (the largest sand island in the world...EverĀ©) and I managed to avoid getting eaten by a dingo, shark or any other kind of weird Aussie animal, so it was a successful trip really. In all seriousness the place is amazing - Lake Mackenzie was cool, Eli Creek was wicked but fucking freezing, and rolling down the sand dune into Lake Wabby is something i won't forget in a hurry. The group i traveled with was pretty cool, it was me, George (yes that's right Sydney people the reunion has occurred and copious amounts of goon has been drunk to toast the good old days) 2 German girls, 2 Welsh girls, a welsh guy and 4 english girls.

One of the highlights of the 3 days though has to be playing Aussie Rules on the beach at 1 in the morning with some Aussie fishermen and another group of backpackers. When I say Aussie rules, it started off as that but because that game is so bloody weird it ended up as a game of full contact rugby union, i don't think the girls playing appreciated been floored by an 18st Irish guy too much. The Aussies we played against were SO Australian one of them was even called Bruce, and when asked if his name was really Bruce his response was perfect - "Yeah, Bruce, fair dinkum!" It was like playing rugby with Alf Stewart from Home and Away!!!

Other than that I've spent the majority of the time since you last heard from me working in Brisbane at a place called Avoncore, or as I have affectionately dubbed it Avonwhore (see I still haven't grown up at all since I left home) My crowning glory at the place has to be the day I quit when I turned up still pissed from the night before looking like an absolute sack of shit - I was so pissed when I quit I can't really remember it. The nights in Brisbane have tended to involve going up to the roof of the hostel drinking way too much goon so much infact that I accidentally mistook Rod Stewart for Hot Chocolate (as in the group that did You Sexy Thing not the drink) Just a quick hello to all you guys - hope everything's going well with you,I'mm quite disappointedd that Geoff Leopard hasn't called me recently though, such a shame 'cos that guy really was A1!!

After Brisbane me and George have been to Noosa, Australia Zoo (again) Hervey Bay and then to Fraser Island. I'm writing this from Bundaberg where I should be working for a couple of days before the Whitsundays and then up to Cairns via Townsville - so basically my plans to be back home in April have been a bit fucked up. I guess I should be back sometime around late May now.

Just one last thing, I just need to say a big fucking congratulations to my brother who's managed to get himself a job flying commercial jets for British Midland International. This means another money source for me - happy days!!

Well that's it for now, hope everything's going alright with all you guys and I'll catch up with you again soon,

Ps - Tom and Jimmy, I'm gonna be on a bloody sailing boat when Glastonbury tickets go on sale so if you could try to get my one that would be top, Cheers guys.


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