I Come From A Land Down Under

I want to fly and run 'till it hurts, sleep for a while and speak no words in Australia

Sunday, April 23, 2006

We All Live In A Convict Colony

Right, if you thought the last e-mail you received from me was overly vitriolic then you ain't seen nothing yet. The reason for such a rapid follow up e-mail from me is that some fucking twat has just broken in to my hostel room and thieved my mobile phone, Georges mobile, camera and watch and some other dudes phone, camera and mini disc player. The fucking pikey scumbag. And what made it worse was the Australian Police were absolutely no fucking use what so ever. Their advice was to go round the pawn shops and try and find the stuff - no shit Sherlock, I mean I know the country was founded on a boat full of convicts but I thought their police would have evolved some what from the criminal underworld masterminds they used to be into upstanding respectable members of society that would do anything to help out a backpacker in need. Apparently not.

Anyway, although I was ever so slightly miffed by that happening, the thing that really agitated me was that my travel insurance ran out 2 days ago and so I don't get any money for it. TWO DAYS, I mean, that really is a kick in the crotch isn't it eh?

In other Police related news, George and I almost inadvertently got ourselves arrested the other day for staging a sit down protest in a camera shop. Bizarre as that may sound we did have a valid reason for it, they had duplicated the wrong set of photos for us and were refusing to print the other set for free, and of course there is no more heinous crime than that. So this resulted in me sitting on the shop counter and not getting off when told to do so and George telling other customers not to buy anything from the shop because, and I quote, "they are fucking scam merchants". I also told a man at least 30 years my senior to grow up and act his age. Anyway, the police were called after I called the owner of the shop a bell end. In the end we got a $25 reduction on the 2nd set of prints before the Police arrived and made a swift exit.

In other Richard related news, I've got myself another job. I'm working for the chief rivals of the last telephone company I worked for, I'm just a telecommunications whore really. I've also been offered the chance of being a team leader within the next month so I may be staying out here longer than expected, we'll have to see how that goes though. Also, my watch has stopped working - not major news I know but annoying all the same.

Anyway, if you would all be kind enough to e-mail me your mobile numbers that would be much appreciated.
Thanks guys,


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