Hey ho party people, just giving you an update on my life on Australia, incidentally this should be my FINAL update of my time out here. This may come as a surprise to some of you but my reasons for this are twofold:
I) I've got no money. George and I rolled into Sydney 20 mins ago with $19.86c between us and the thought of doing more telesales makes me want to run to the hills and become a monk
ii) It's fucking freezing cold. That's right, I'm heading back to the 'tropics' of West Yorkshire to escape cold Australia.
Anyway, now that that revelation is out the way I'll bring you up to date with yet more of my capers. I seem to remember my last e-mail was sent when I was in Alice Springs, I went all indigenous in Alice and bought myself a Didgeridoo and 2 boomerangs (obviously not so indigenous that I learnt how to spell the words properly though) and that really was it for my time there. It is a little bit crap actually.
No new problems with the car in Alice so then it was onwards and downwards(?!) to Ayres Rock or Uluru to those in the know. Please excuse me whilst I go a bit hippy on you all, but Ayres really is beautiful man,the weird colours it turned when the sun was setting on it was something special and it made the whole trip to Australia worth while. Definitely a top 3 moment, shame my pictures of it are shit though. Climbing the Rock was cool if not tiring, although George and I did get into somewhat of an altercation with a German halfway up which led us to write another 'comedy' song that used the rhyming couplet of 'Ayres Rock' and a 'German that was a cock'. The new Lennon and McCartney I'm sure you'll all agree. Also the accelerator on the car began to cry for help around this point.
It was then onwards towards Coober Pedy. Now, I have a bone to pick with Coober Pedy. I was promised an underground mining town, and that it is not. It is a ghost town that is above ground, liars. Although I did stay in an underground hostel, when I say hostel I mean cave but it was cool all the same. It was a short stop in Coober Pedy, basically a quick visit to a Opal Mining Museum, were the decision was made that we were to sell 'The Woo' buy Sonar equipment and make our fortune mining Opals. We didn't do that, although we did find a man that had done pretty much that and well, basically, he didn't make a fortune either.
With Coober Pedy done and dusted with it was down to Port Augusta. Just a stop over on the way to Adelaide, although a couple of curious things did happen there. The ever so reliable Lonely Planet recommended a hostel to us that didn't even exist, so a caravan park it was. The caravan we were allocated was not in the 21st century. Floral Curtains and bedspreads, manual televisions, coin slot machines for the electricity, plastic purple and chrome chairs and a two bar fire made it all feel very 1970's. The caravan was an inspiration for another comedy song called 1975. I truly am a creative genius. Also, South Australian McDonald's have the best menu's in the world, triple cheeseburgers and double quarter pounders, I was in heart attack heaven. The boot on the car broke in Port Adelaide so we now can't open it without a crow bar and a swift kick in the right place. We were still moving though so everything was good and the next stop was to be Adelaide.
Psychologically, Adelaide spelled the end of the outback for us, although it technically finished about 1000kms previously, but details are a mere triviality. Whilst in Adelaide we bumped into Jonathan, and, short of having wenches for our road trip he traveled with us so he could complete his lap of the country and see big things, I'll get to that in a minute though. Whilst in Adelaide I sampled a Pie Floater - basically a meat pie in pea soup, nicer than it sounds actually, drank in the pub where alcho-pops were invented (I felt like a chav for the evening) and saw a few museums. Adelaide is a REALLY boring place.
About these big things, don't worry our roadtrip didn't turn into some kind of gay cruise, for some reason Australia has a fascination with building big replicas of things. Just outside of Adelaide was the worlds biggest rocking horse, I climbed it and got a sticker, I'm so proud. It was also at this here rocking horse that I managed to throw the car keys inside the car chassis. We therefore have a big hand shaped hole in the bottom of the car from where they were retrieved. I've also seen a giant plastic lobster and a giant plastic sheep. My life can't get any better.
Adelaide soon led into Melbourne but not before we had an overnight stay in a place I can't remember the name of. It was here we got stopped by the Police for driving in an odd manner, my 6th run in with the Australian law enforcers! The nameless place was also where the car battery basically stopped working. The Woo can only be jump started now.
As I say, Melbourne was the next major stop on the tour via the Great Ocean road and everything that that entails - some great views and even greater photo opportunities. We only stayed in Melbourne one night before moving out to near by St Kilda. Whilst in Melbourne we went to watch an AFL game at the MCG. Hawthorne vs Melbourne, a very confusing game of kick and catch with fighting thrown in so people have something to cheer. Hawthorne won 128-89 so I am therefore a Hawthorne fan for life.
In an e mail I sent many moons ago I described my encounter with Steve Irwin, and said that the Neighbours night would have to go some to beat that experience. Safe to say it did. With cherries on top. In the morning Jonathan, George and I went on the tour of Ramsey Street and the school, it was so weird actually being there but I felt it was a seminal moment in my life. In the afternoon we tried to the whole thing again for nothing by chasing the tour bus in Billy Woo, but due to my bad navigational skills rearing their head again and a lack of sufficient chase music we didn't succeed. In the evening we were then to meet the 'stars' of the show. And what stars they were, Karl Kennedy, Toadie and Paul Robinson, a great trio in anyone's book. I got shitfaced, Toadie signed my shoe and Karl sang Football's Coming Home, a great night, shame Izzy wasn't there though.
From Melbourne, it was then Canberra. Boring, boring place, a few photos of a few buildings and then we left.
The rest of yesterday and this morning we were in the Blue Mountains which were pretty spectacular and, now, against all the odds I'm back in Sydney, where, as I've already said, my trip reaches its conclusion.
Sorry that was such a long e-mail but I've just driven, well, being a passenger, for 7000kms so I had a bit of a tale to tell.
I'd just like to say thanks to all the people I've met out here for all the great memories, and also for those things I can't remember for one reason or another(goon, mainly), hopefully we can all meet up again when your respective travels finish. And to all you guys back home, as if uni exams weren't bad enough, you're gonna have to put up with me again, I should be back with you in about about a week, so get ready for that, it promises to be a mildly entertaining occasion.
I'm going to eat steak, drink beer and take a photo of a Sports Ute so its cheerio for now,